Refined sugar is lethal and deadly, when ingested by humans it provides nutritionists describe as "empty" or "naked" calories. It lacks the natural minerals which are present in the sugar beet or cane.
In addition, sugar is worse than nothing because it drains, leaches and sucks the body of precious vitamins and minerals through the demand its digestion....
Sugar taken every day produces a continuously overacid condition, and more and more minerals are required from deep in the body in the attempt to fix the imbalance. Finally, in order to protect the blood, so much calcium is taken from the bones and teeth that decay and general weakening begin. Excess sugar eventually affects every organ in the body.
Initially, it is stored in the liver in the form of glucose (glycogen). Since the liver's capacity is limited, a daily intake of refined sugar (above the required amount of natural sugar) soon makes the liver expand like a balloon. When the liver is filled to its maximum capacity, the excess glycogen is returned to the blood in the form of fatty acids. These are taken to every part of the body and stored in the most inactive areas: the belly, the buttocks, the breasts and the thighs.When these comparatively harmless places are completely filled, fatty acids are then distributed among active organs, such as the heart and kidneys. These begin to slow down; finally their tissues degenerate and turn to fat.
When starches LIKE white breads, crachers and complex sugars (like those in honey and fruits) are digested, they are broken down into simple sugars called "monosaccharides", which are usable substances-nutriments. When starches and sugars are taken together and undergo fermentation, they are broken down into carbon dioxide, acetic acid, alcohol and water. With the exception of the water, all these are unusable substances-poisons. When proteins are digested, they are broken down into amino acids, which are usable substances-nutriments. When proteins are taken with sugar, they putrefy; they are broken down into a variety of ptomaines and leucomaines, which are nonusable substances-poisons. Enzymic digestion of foods prepares them for use by our body. Bacterial decomposition makes them unfit for use by our body. The first process gives us nutriments; the second gives us poisons.Eating sugar and Fructose ARE Far Worse than Eating Fat
- Fructose elevates uric acid, which decreases nitric oxide which can damage your kidneys in excess
Increased uric acid also leads to chronic low-level inflammation. Chronically inflamed blood vessels lead to heart attacks and strokes and even cancer- Fructose fools your body into gaining weight by tricking your metabolism—it turns off your body’s appetite control system. Fructose does not correctly stimulate insulin, which in turn does not suppress ghrelin (the “hunger hormone) , which together result in your eating more and developing insulin resistance "diabetes"
- Fructose rapidly leads to weight gain and abdominal obesity (“beer belly”), decreased HDL, increased LDL, elevated triglycerides, elevated blood sugar, and high blood pressure
- Fructose metabolism is very similar to ethanol metabolism, It’s alcohol without the buzz.
We are perfectly addicted consumers: fructose is the number one contributing factor our American obesity epidemic.
Are Fruits Good or Bad for You?
Hey guys Juices are just as bad as soda, because a glass of juice is loaded with fructose and a lot of the antioxidants are lost. Today we consume ridiculously high levels of fructose in almost every food that is in a package. Yes, hard to believe BUT they are freakin hidden in cereal, salad dressing, sauces, juices, crackers, meal bars and on and on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When you consume high levels of fructose it will absolutely create problems physically. Remember the AVERAGE person consumes a fructose dose of 70 grams per day which exceeds the recommend limit by 300 percent....YIKES!!!!GEEEZZZ PLEASE BE CAREFUL with your fruit choices, think about it, HFCS( high fructose corn syrup) is CRAZY CHEAP , it is added to almost every processed food..... Even if you consumed no soda or fruit, it is very easy to exceed 25 grams of hidden fructose in your diet.
SUGAR AND FRUCTOSE ARE CRAZY CONFUSING so here are various sugars and sweeteners.:
- Dextrose, fructose and glucose are all monosaccharides, known as simple sugars. The primary difference between them is how your body metabolizes them. Glucose and dextrose are essentially the same sugar. However, food manufacturers usually use the term “dextrose” in their ingredient list.
- The simple sugars can combine to form more complex sugars, like the disaccharide sucrose (table sugar), which is half glucose and half fructose.
- High fructose corn syrup is 55 percent fructose and 45 percent glucose.
- Ethanol (drinking alcohol) is not a sugar, but beer and wine contain residual sugars and starches
- Sugar alcohols like xylitol, glycerol, sorbitol, maltitol, mannitol, and erythritol are neither sugars nor alcohols but are becoming increasingly popular as sweeteners. They are incompletely absorbed from your small intestine, for the most part, so they provide fewer calories than sugar but often cause problems with bloating, diarrhea and flatulence.
- Sucralose (Splenda) is NOT a sugar, despite its sugar-like name and deceptive marketing slogan, “made from sugar.” It’s a chlorinated artificial sweetener in line with aspartame and saccharin, with detrimental health effects to match.
- Agave syrup, falsely advertised as “natural,” is typically HIGHLY processed and is usually 80 percent fructose. The end product does not even remotely resemble the original agave plant.
- Honey is about 53 percent fructose, but is completely natural in its raw form and has many health benefits when used in moderation, including as many antioxidants as spinach.
- Stevia is a highly sweet herb derived from the leaf of the South American stevia plant, which is completely safe (in its natural form). Lo han (or luohanguo) is another natural sweetener, but derived from a fruit.
Eeew grosssss! I always thought that the only thing sugar did was rot teeth and give stomach aches. And the sugar alcohol totally makes sense now! My big sis is always complaining about her bloated tummy, but most of the food she consumes has those ingredients in them. Thanks for this!
ReplyDeleteUgh I hate sugar! I don't eat any of it but I must admit I do eat a lot of stevia!